Cuneonavicular joint

The cuneonavicular joint (Latin: articulatio cuneonavicularis) is a synovial plane type joint located between the tarsal bones of the foot. This articulation is formed between the distal surface of the navicular bone and proximal surfaces of three cuneiform bones (lateral, intermediate and medial). The cuneonavicular joint provides gliding movements between the articulating bones.

Cuneonavicular joint, Tarsals, Cuneiform bones, Navicular bones, Human foot, Foot skeleton, Lateral view
Cuneonavicular joint by
Cuneonavicular joint, Tarsals, Tarsals colored, Cuneiform bones, Navicular bones, Human foot, Foot skeleton, Lateral view
Articulating bones of cuneonavicular joint by


Joint capsule and ligaments

The joint is embraced by the fibrous joint capsule. All bones forming the articulation are connected by the following ligaments:

  • Dorsal cuneonavicular ligament
  • Plantar cuneonavicular ligament
  • Interosseous cuneonavicular ligament
Cuneonavicular joint, Tarsals, Ligaments, Cuneiform bones, Navicular bones, Human foot, Foot skeleton, Lateral view
Ligaments of cuneonavicular joint (lateral view) by
Cuneonavicular joint, Tarsals, Ligaments, Cuneiform bones, Navicular bones, Human foot, Foot skeleton, Plantar view
Ligaments of cuneonavicular joint (plantar view) by