Transverse sinus

The transverse sinus (also known as the lateral sinus, Latin: sinus transversus) is a dural venous sinus that passes laterally along the interior surface of the occipital bone. It arises at the confluence of sinuses located at the internal occipital protuberance. The right transverse sinus is a direct continuation of the superior sagittal sinus, while the left transverse sinus is a continuation of the straight sinus.

The transverse sinus passes along the posterior margin of the tentorium cerebelli to the mastoid angle of the parietal bone. Then it curves anterolaterally to reach the posterolateral side of the petrous part of the temporal bone. Further, the transverse sinus continues as the sigmoid sinus.

On its course, each transverse sinus receives tributaries from two brain regions - the lateral temporal surface of the temporal lobe, and the basilar surface of the occipital lobe. It also receives the inferior anastomotic vein (or vein of Labbe), which collects minor veins from the temporal lobe of the cerebrum.

In general, the right transverse sinus collects venous blood from superficial parts of the brain, while the left transverse sinus is responsible for draining deeper parts of the brain.